
mercredi 6 juillet 2016

Get the most out of Andromo App Maker

Andromo App Maker for Android

Get the most out of Andromo App Maker

Hello from your friends at Andromo!

We were just going over our records and noticed that you haven't yet made that crucial step to developer success: an Andromo subscription!

We understand life can get busy, and if that's the case, we'll be here as soon as you're ready. But don't wait too long, because every day not making apps, means less money in your pocket. Don't let it slip your mind - Start making apps for as little as $8/month (annual subscription). You won't regret it!

On the other hand, if you haven't subscribed yet because you're having some problems, or still have some questions, don't wait a second longer. Andromo's support staff, knowledge base, and online community are all just a click away to help get you over any hurdles you encounter. We want you to be successful, so please don't hesitate to reach out for help.

In case you missed them, our getting started section contains many helpful articles that are extremely useful for new users.

Become an app making machine today - Subscribe Now!


The Andromo guys @

P.S. Don't want any more help from us? Update your email preferences.

Indigo Rose Software 25-1128 Henderson Hwy, Suite 316, Winnipeg, MB, R2G 3Z7, Canada

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